Who We Are
Workforce & Economic Development Division serves as the administrative support to the Orange County Workforce Development Board (OCWDB) and is primarily responsible for administering programs and activities of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in Orange County. The WIOA assists individuals who are employed, unemployed and underemployed, to increase their self-sufficiency and/or improve their ability to meet the demands of Orange County businesses and employers. Through WIOA, Workforce & Economic Development Division seeks to meet the needs of businesses and employers by offering programs that focus on offering services that focus on recruiting, training and retraining valued employees.
The OCWDB also serves as the county's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) committee. The committee is responsible for a five-year plan for lowering unemployment, reducing poverty, and sustainable growth in our communities through strategic planning for economic development county-wide. The Plan is developed under guidance from US Economic Development Administration and is offered as a planning tool for community and economic development projects, as well as being a prerequisite EDA funding of those projects approved by the CEDS committee.
Workforce & Economic Development Division administers various grant-funded programs. The Domestic Violence Program serves victims of domestic violence and their children in need of shelter. The Dispute Resolution Program serves individuals seeking mediation as an alternative to litigation.
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